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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Office Superintendent 1st District of Virginia.
Norfolk, Va. December 5th 1866.

Brvt Brig Genl Orlando Brown,
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Richmond Va.
In compliance with Circular No 6 series 1865, I have the honor to report that the Freedmen's Affairs remain as in my former report. The Freedmen are generally employed at fair wages. The few who are not employed are those who were not residents here befor the War and those who have been in the U.S. Service. It is among the latter classes that most of the destitution is to be found; and those who are aged and infirm must for a long time depend for their support upon the Govt unless some provision is made by the state Authorities. Most of the latter classes are residing upon the Taylor and Wise Farms in all about 160 or 175 families. Of these about 100 families are upon the Taylor Farm. These have been repeatedly notified and warned to leave the farm and procure homes somewhere else but as yet to no effect. The last notice was in obedience to an endorsement date November 24th which directed that they be notified to leave the farm by the 15th of December 1866, or Military force would

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Finished, needs review of multiple unknown words. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 23:57:49