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these schools are supported wholly by Freedpeople - Whole number of scholars 1133. The are 8 sabbath schools estimate attendance 1200. - The colored people generally manifest a great desire to read and write and have their children receive good instructions, and they make every effort within their means to improve their opportunities. Very good progress is made in all the branches taught. 
Taxes - The counties of Princess Anne and Nansemond tax all the Freedmen who have been residents 12 months or more the same as those who were free and residents befor the war, while the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth and the County of Norfolk tax only those who were free and residents before the War. The reason for this course on the part of the authorities of these cities and the county seems to be to avoid providing for the support of the poor and destitute of these Freedmen. The feeling manifest generally among the whites towards the Blacks seem to be more favorable. But few complaints for violation of contract or unjust dealings have been made. The disposition to deal unjustly and oppress exists only among those who have apparently not yet received information of the close of the rebellion or of the Emancipation of the Blacks, and who have not learned that Freedom and intelligence is preferable to Slavery and ignorance. The provision made by the Civil Authorities for relieving the wants of the poor and destitute are inadequate to meet the demands and