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explaining the spirit of same.

In some cases, I find clauses inserted, the literal construction of which, is simply, to give the employer every advantage and which by a dishonest man, could be used in such a way, - as to render the condition of the laborer, as miserable, in every regard, as his worst former condition of slavery.  I am thougly inclined to the opinion, that the system, of working plantations, for certain specified shares of the crop, works as a general thing to the disadvantage, of the freedmen.  - In most of such contracts, I find, for instance, that the laborer, has to provide food & clothing for himself & family, out of his own resources - in some cases, too be sure, these supplies are furnished by the employer but in nine cases of ten they are furnished at such rates, as at the close of the year makes up a sum, equal to the laborer's interest in the crop.  Again, my attention, 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 15:43:17