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wrote to Mr Birckett to give up the girl saying that that it was unnecessary for me to tell him that he had no right to keep her. Williams would not take the letter, saying that Mr B- would shoot him. I went to Maj Dallas Comd'g Post, and he sent a non-commissioned officer to see that Williams received no harm, and got his daughter without further trouble- When the U.S. Burial Corps left City Point for Danville a good many men wanted to go with it, but could not leave their families, as Mr Comer on whose land they were living said he would tear them houses down. Through my imposition most of them got houses of Mr. Heath, a
northern man, and were enabled to go- In Dinwiddie Co, affairs are pretty quiet. A man named P.G. Jones has discharged his hands without any compensation, they worked under a plain  contract for a fourth of the crop- I have sent the matter to a magistrate, and do not see how he can fail to give a decision in their favor-