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of Freed children were bound or apprenticed to their former owner or master without the consent of the childrens parents having been obtained. I think when the parents of such children can prove that they are capable and willing to care for their children, all indentures made without the consent of parents should be annulled. I have already forwarded a special report in regard to this matter.
The Freedmen have organized their Beneficial Societies in the town of Danville and are doing much good for instance, some days ago a Freedman who is not a member of either                                       of the above mentioned societies, was lying sick with the smallpox, in a "fodder stack" exposed to the inclemency of the weather, I could not get the town council to move in the matter, so I called upon some of the members of one of these societies, and requested them to take some action for the relief of the afflicted man which they immediately did, and he is now in comfort able quarters, being properly cared for.
The schools at this place are in very good condition in regard to system and order, and the teachers seem devoted to their work.
I trust in my next report to be able to give you a more general idea of affairs in my sub District.
I am Captain
With much Respect
Your obt. Servant
G.B. Carse
Bt. Col. & Asst. supt