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Bureau Court.

Is still in full operation, and is productive of incalculable good to the citizens of this County both white and black.

James City County

Is not in as good a condition as is desirable, a strong protecting arm is needed to guard jealously the rights of the "Freedmen" and secure them justice. Owing to the scarcity of good employees, and the distance from this office to "James City County", as much attention has not been paid to their wants as is desirable. Communications on various subjects of moment will be forwarded during the ensuring month. An immense field for labor, and philanthropy for the benefit of the colored race, is open in this Sub- District, and, the peculiar formation of the mental faculties of the "Freedmen", make is very difficult to decide as to what measures are best for their permanent good in the thickly settled County of York.

I have the honor, to be,