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large amount of suffering. Rations - 1700 rations have been issued to patients in Hospitals and destitute in "Old Folk's Home" - to employees 207 Total 1917 issued in the district. Twenty two patients have been assisted in the Freedmen's Hospital Fifteen in the "Old Folks Home" - Sixteen in the Small Pox Hospital in Norfolk and Twenty One in Small Pox Hospital in Portsmouth. The cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth make no provision for the support of the indigent colored people, and their provisions for cases of Small Pox an wholly inadequate to prevent the spread of the decease.

Schools - The schools are making  food process and are well attended. They are greatly in need of permanent locations and houses to relieve them from the uncertainty and changes of rented buildings. Under the most favorable circumstances it must be some year before the authorities will erect school houses for the colored people, or the colored people will be able to erect and own them themselves. Such houses will be constantly required and the sooner they are provided the sooner the schools will become permanently established and greater benefits result. The prospects of the Freedmen are gradually improving and considering all the obstacles to advancement which are thrown in their way