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both by the laws of the state and by the sentiments of the people their progress in commendable. Their deposits in the "Freedmen's Saving @ Trust Co" (see enclosed report) show that they are not unmindful of the necessity of saving their earnings and that they will soon have the means for their own support and the protection of their rights-. The sentiments of the people seem to be more favorable to the Black Man, but still the deep seated prejudice of the old resident is felt and seen in the Legislature enactments and in Courts of Justice to such an extent as to render is almost impracticable for a Black Man to obtain justice in controversy with a white man. The Blacks have been so long considered as having no rights and treated like chattel, that it cannot be expected that they will have full justice given them until a new set of men become interpreters and execution of the Laws - No serious cases of injustice have been reported the past month - A case of outrage is reported - The jailor in Princess Anne County is said to have whipped two men named Vaughen after having received notice that they had been pardoned by the Governor - This case has been ordered to be investigated and a full report will be made-. Many after the Freedpeople retaining their habits and ideas acquired in Slavery have not a correct understanding of the marriage relations or a proper observance of the Marital rights

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-08 13:46:25