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a negro having a wife and family would find it very difficult to clothe, feed and keep them warm on those wages.  The whites will not come to me to make any contracts, as I have refused to make contracts where it is evident to me that the negro cannot honestly support his family on the terms proposed.

A good feeling seems to exist between the whites and blacks and I believe the whites are paying their debts to the blacks as much as they are paying them among themselves..

There is not much destitution or suffering among the colored peoples in this County that I can hear of and I do not have many applications for clothing, but the probability is that during the next two months many of them will need assistance.  I have nothing further at present to report.

I am, Gen'l
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
Hiram S Hunt
Lieut and Asst Supt
8th Dist D of P.