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the bonds on me and said Mrs Anderson was on a visit to Winchester but had promised with Samuel Rector to go his security that he was then on hi way to Fairfax County on a frolic and would not return until the day before New Years day when he would take the bonds and get the other signatures that Mrs Anderson would return from Winchester by that time, I laid the bonds in the Mill Window until he returned on the evening of the 2nd Jany 1967. I then handed him the bonds and agreement to take and get the other names (Nancy Anderson and Samuel Rector) he said he was too unwell to ride to London (where both reside) but he would take the agreement home for his father to look at, he took the agreement home and returned next morning and wished some alterations made in the agreement saying he was too unwell to go to London that day. I altered the agreement and he took it home for his father to look at and returned the next morning still complaining of being unwell and wished some alterations made in the agreement (in the meantime one of my neighbors called and said that Nancy Anderson had not been from home and would not go Anderson go security neither would Samuel Rector) I then handed Anderson the altered agreement and bonds saying that he must get the other names on the bonds and sign the agreement and close the matter up by Monday Morning (this was Saturday the 5th Jany 1867) Anderson took the bond, and agreement and I left the house on business and when I