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plantations where the employer has been true to his obligations and where the colored laborer has been treated justly and with proper regard for his interests. 

As a general thing they (the laborers) are cheerful and earnestly endeavoring to take advantage of every opportunity through which to secure some advancement. They are rapidly acquiring economical and industrious habits and from their deportment, conversation &c give promise of soon becoming a thrifty and self supporting population.- They are agitating the question of education at this time to some extent but owing to the fact that having been allowed the privilege only recently of disposing of their earnings as they please and have had but little time in which to acquire any thing. they can contribute but little to the cause in the way of "material aid"
The feeling existing between the races [[Strikethrough]] is [[/Strikethrough]]       

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 12:38:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 12:56:26 "deportment"