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B.R.F. & A. Lds.
Office of Ast Sup't Sub Dist of
Lynchburgh - Jany 31st/67

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
A.A.A.G. Department of the Potomac

In accordance with the requirements of Circular No 6, dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr. State of Va. Richmond Va. Jany 29th 1866, I would respectfully submit the following report.

I can discover no change in the feeling between the races; so long as the black man plods along in the old slavish manner, so long will the feeling be friendly towards him on the part of the whites, & I think no change can be looked for during the present generation.

There has been considerable complaint in regard to settlements, for last years wages; I have done all in my power to aid the Col'd people, by making out their accounts, putting them in the hands of the officers of the law, & getting the complainants a hearing. Most of the freedmen have gotten homes for the coming year. My advice has been in all cases to contract by the year, but stipulate that they be paid monthly or quarterly at the fartherest. The most successful farmers have adopted this system. There is a great demand for labor, both local, & for the far South. Except in the city, the demand is greater than the supply. Unfortunately the Cold., people crowd to this City from the adjoining Counties, & once here it is almost an impossibility to induce them to leave; the streets are literally blocked up with idlers every few days. Were it possible to introduce some judicious plans compelling --

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 18:05:05