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Statement of Alexander Benedict Postmaster at Owl Run (Warrenton Junction) Fauquier County Va. I am a native of the state of New York, I removed to Alexandria Va in April 1862 where I resided until June 1865 when I removed to this place and opened a grocery store. I erected a two story frame building on the railroad land at the depot having received permission to do so from W.H. McCafferty Esq then Supt of the O. &. A. R.R After the road was turned over to the present company in August 1866. Mr B Shumate the new agent at the station ordered me to move the building off the rail Road land
Not being able to purchase land near the depot of parties owning for the reason that they would not sell to a Northern man, I finally leased a piece of ground about 1/4 of a mile from the depot and moved the building on it at an expense of about $100 00/100. Certain parties who I do not now remember said that they would run all the "Yankees" away from around here
In July last I made an agreement with S.H. Hawley Esq Administrator of the estate of Tillman Weaver Decd, to cut the Hay on the estate for 3/5 of the whole amount cut I afterwards bought Hawleys share of the crop. On the 19th day of Dec 1866 I received a written notice from E.G. Edmonds Deputy Sherrif of Fauquier Co that the Hay was under levy to satisfy claims on the estate. It was advertised for sale