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to the treatment of Mr Morse the teacher. I brought the case to the attention of the Mayor informing him that the Town Sergeant therew the stone, but as I had promised Jackson that I would not let the county or town authorities know from whence I derived my information (he being afraid that some party might way lay him for informing,) I informed the Mayor that I had good authority for knowing it to be the town Sergt and if the teacher was troubled any more I should request that troops might be stationed here. Since which time the teacher has been unmolested. 

Nothing of interest has transpired in the county of Rappahannock. I regret exceedingly that my duty compels me to report such a state of affairs in this county and I cannot account for it except that these people think that the time for such proceedings has again arrived. 

In compliance with Special Order no 11 dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr I have assumed charge of the Sub Dist of Prince William.

I am Major Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.S. Chase
2d Lt V.R.C & Asst Supt

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of word after “Sergeant”. Unsure of date after “dated”. Unsure of word after “Asst”. Unsure of word after “am” and before “Very”. Unsure of words after “Your”. Unsure of Abbreviation after “2d”. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-09 19:39:04