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Statement of G. H. Morse, Teacher of Freedmens School, Warrenton, Va.

During the present month, Markham  Washington and Courtney Washington, merchants nearly opposite the schoolhouse, & others of this town, have annoyed me in various ways, while attending to duties incumbent on me in my present situation. Expressions that have been uttered and that evidently denoted disrespect were, "How are you?" "Can you speak French?" "Halt that man." "There goes the nigger school teacher." &c.

On the afternoon of Jan 19th 1867, while passing from said Washingtons' store, several men stood on the platform, railing at me as I passed by. After I had passed about three rods a misle was thrown, sounding like a stone, which passed me + lacked but little of hitting me. L. A. Jackson, colored man, declared that it was a stone, and that Edward Cologne, town Sergeant threw it. Immediately after followed an expression, from one of those men. "Look out or you will get your head knocked off," or words to that effect. On the morning of Jan. 22d., Markham Washington, came to the schoolhouse. + called me out. In the course of his insulting  talk, he called me by a name that I never allowed anyone to call me before, and repeated it. He also dared me to resent it and threatened to cowhide me.