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above statement our efforts have been to a great extent futile. I am fearful that strenuous measures will be necessary before "divine right to the land" is removed from the minds of the "Freedmen". There appears in this county to be some strong undercurrent, which is working secretly to undermine the influence of this office among the colored people: strange rumors are constantly afloat among them. at one time "some person has been to Washington and the orders are that they will not be compelled to pay anymore rent," that "in consideration of their long term of servitude the Government will divide the lands among them, and, hereafter happiness will be theirs." The landowner informed me that at the end of last year, he ordered the removal of many of his colored tenants to another part of his farm, and on going there a short time since he found they had not taken any action towards a removal, upon inquiring the season, he was asked into one of the cabins, where two or three chapters of the prophecies of "Daniel" was read to him, proving to their minds that the "millennium" to the colored race was coming; that the lands would soon be theirs &c. I merely report this as a fact of interest which may show the influence that wrong and perverted