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counsel has over the intellectual powers of the "Freedmen" which are now just budding into existence. The great masses of the population, can be easily controlled and guided, if all the advice given them was only healthy, high toned, and feasible, but as aforementioned. I am fearful there are persons among them, who pamper their self-love, and who lead them to rely too much upon improbabilities.

"Freedmens Home"

or "Hospital" which is now being erected will be productive of great good, and be a refuge for many helpless and indigent "Freedmen" who have suffered extremely from want. It is proposed to start an industrial school with the same, and give suitable employment for this class; by this "Home" we hope to lessen the dense population in the "Freedmen Villages" -Slabtown and Newtown-. Workmen are now employed in making preparations to receive the helpless and dependent, and in a short time we hope to be able to report that this plan of ameliorating their condition is crowned with success.

"Bureau Court"

The business of the "Bureau Court" has been somewhat

Transcription Notes:
[[left margin]] Freedmens Home [/left margin]] [[left margin]] Bureau Court [/left margin]]