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authorities do not consider them resident citizens entitled to the aid and benefits of the laws providing for the relief of the poor

The members assisted by the Bureau during the month have been as follows viz

Freedmens Hospital Norfolk    37
Small Pox Hospital Norfolk &
Portsmouth                    80
Total                        117

an increase over the month of December 1866 of 59, of which increase 15 were in the Freedmens Hospital and 44 were in the Small Pox Hospitals   Cases of Small Pox appear to be on the increase.  The Schools are making good progress and are well attended   The Freedmen manifesting a great desire to become able to read & write

The benefits of these Schools are appreciated by but a very Small part of the white community and receives but little encouragement.  There are quite a large class who indulge in Sneering & Slurring the "Yankee School Marms" whom they call Northern fanatics Sent down here to introduce isues and Scisms and break up the good old 


Transcription Notes:
1st word, authorities, on previous page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 19:13:18 per instructions, a word that is split across two pages should be transcribed in full on both pages