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anti bellum institutions.  It is to be regretted that this class includes the larger part of the leading men in the country and among which are found most of the clergymen   They look upon the education of the laboring part of the community as not only an unnecessary expense but as tending to evil

The affairs of the Freedmen upon the Taylor Farm remain as when last reported  The Farm was wholly restored to Mr Taylor     ult at that time there were upon the Farm about 120 families by estimate occupying about 60 huts.  Most of the adults of these families are able bodied men and women and able to support themselves and families if employment could be procured.  They object to leaving the farm claiming to have a better right than Mr Taylor who they say has forfeited his right by being a rebel 

They defy force either civil or military, and Mr Taylor refuses as yet to treat with them as men posessing rights  If Mr Taylor would place an agent upon the 
