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was their duty to have turned the children over to the Officer of the Bureau who would have taken charge of the children until he could have got the parent to come after them, and thus there could have been no charge for taking care of the children.  After consultation with me they have deemed it prudent to let the children go without any charge.

The State of Feeling existing between the Whites and the Freedmen is not very good, the disposition of the Whites to take the advantage of the Freedmen, being the cause as a general thing, as well as the fact of the Freedmen having been set free from Slavery.  The Freedmen as a general thing are willing to work, but not willing to make contracts for the year, believing they can do better, and obtain better prices by working for shorter periods.

The Schools in the Sub District are well attended, and the Freedmen show a strong disposition to learn.  The School House near Mill's Swamp Church has been undermined by cutting away the posts that held it up, and it fell down in the early part of January.  It was done by some persons unknown as yet, but as soon as they are discovered their names will be forwarded.

I am very respectfully
Your obedient Servant,
John M Barnes
Asst Supt Bureau R.F. & A L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-11 10:44:35