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in conflict, with its regulations and instructions.  At times however, they let their prejudice get the better of their judgment - this has been the case during the present month, on the establishment of Schools for freed-children, at two of the County Seats in my Sub District.  Immediately on the fact becoming known to the community, there appeared to be a wide spread feeling against it - but this has gradually subsided, and no further anoyance is anticipated.

The clothing sent for gratuitous distribution among aged, infirm and afflicted Freedmen, has proven of great comfort and benefit to that class.  There are some cases of Women and children, who if they could be supplied with a small amount of clothing, it would greatly ameliorate their present condition.  Submitting their cases to your special consideration

I remain Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servant
C S Schaeffer Bv't Capt. & Asst. Supt.