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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abd Lands
Office Asst Supt Counties Jefferson and Berkeley
Harpers Ferry W V'a February 28th 1867


I have the honor to report no material change in Bureau Affairs since last month. This neighborhood has been quite excited for some days past by the shooting and dangerously wounding, of a Sergeant of the Det' of Cavalry on duty here, by one Chambers a citizen of this place. It was a most unprovoked assault, and though the colored people were in no way mixed up in the matter, yet the sympathy shown by the citizens for Chambers, who is a known desperado, and a man of low character, is convincing proof that these people will uphold anything so that the Govt' is insulted, whether it be an assault on a soldier or negro. As I prosecuted the case on behalf of the Govt', considering it my duty as a US Officer so to do, the "Freedmens Bureau" has come in for a share of the general dislike at the result, which was the committal of Chambers for trial A full report has been forwarded by me to Maj WH Brown Comdg Post at Winchester who will send the same to Hd Qrs, and to which I respectfully refer you for further information.— The future of this place is dismal in the extreme, and it might be compared to a nest of paupers. If the whites are so shiftless, caring nothing for the law, decence, order, how can it be expected that the colored people will be better. I have been located here since May 66, and since that time have been vainly seeking for some officer of the law to whom I might apply, for assistance in remedying the many evils which exist

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