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Q - Were there one or more pistols fired when you were shot
A - When I was shot I was laughing and talking.  Can't tell how many were fired
Q - In what position were you standing when shot.
A. Was standing opposite Wm Comptons stone door.
Q - Where were the students standing when you were shot?
A - On the street leading to Franklin Hall
Q Could the students have shot you from where they were standing
A - No they could not.
Q - Did you see any persons with pistols besides those you saw fire
A - No sir I did not see any one else with pistols at that corner
Q - How long had you been at the corner before you were shot.
A - I hadn't been there five minutes
Q. Do you know the name of the two students standing there
A - No sir
Q - Were you standing with your face to the stone door when you were shot
A - I was