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$250.00. This is the only available location for this purpose, that has thus far been discovered, exceptining as shall be hereinafter mentioned. As yet no action has, to my knowledge, been taken in the premises.

On the 7th Dec 1866 I had the honor to address a communication to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, A.A.A. General B.R.F.&A.L. - Dept. of the Potomac, announcing that a certain tract of land, containing over five acres, situate about seven miles from that place, in a desirable locality, and improved by two buildings suitable for School Houses; or capable of even being converted into a Hd. Qrs. for the schools of that County; if required, could be bought for the sum of $300.00 - which I considered very fair. This paper having been referred by the Asst. Comr. to "Rev. R.M. Manley, Supt of Education," it was returned to me, indorsed by that gentleman as follows *  *  * "1st It is not the policy of the Bureau to become the purchaser of real estate out of the Congressional appropriation for school [[strikethrough]] purposes [[/strikethrough]] houses, and, 2nd Money cannot be apprpriated for school houses, until the regular maintenance of a school is assumed by responsible parties." - Now, it is respectfully submitted, that if this be conclusive, we stand but a very poor chance of ever having any freedman's schools in my Sub Distict, for there are no White person in the County who will, and no Colored who can assume any such responsibility. The following will forceably illustrate this, in as far as the Colored people are concerned.

In my Report on the subject of the schools, previously referred to, I remarked that, from a series of meetings holden here, it was ascertained that a sum of about $20.00 a month could be realized, by subscription among the Colored people of the surrounding neighborhood, which would go towards defraying the minor incidental expenses of a