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o'clock on the night of the 13th inst, in one of the public squares of Lexington where he and several other freedmen were at that time standing - My impression is that it was an accidental shot from the pistol of one of the other freedmen standing on the square as it was proved that some of them had pistols and had been discharging them in the air just before William was shot. The boy himself does not know nor does he even suspect who shot him. He is now rapidly recovering from his wound and I expect he will be able to go about in a few days - unless he should commit some indiscretion that may injure him.

The case was examined before Justices Barclay and Figgatt, and two black boys named respectively Harry Stiles and John Alexander — alias Honey — were found guilty of being engaged in firing pistols in the street and each one fined ten dollars, bound to keep the peace for six months in the sum of twenty-five dollars each - and had their pistols confiscated. 

During the examination one omission occurred that gave me great dissatisfaction. 

I was with Turner immediately after he was shot, and heard his deposition taken the same night by squire Figgatt for we then thought he would die. Certain developments were made on that night which directed suspicion towards two students who had been on the square a short time before the freedman was shot, and who had also been firing pistols in the air. The only chance of obtaining the names of these students was through the evidence of the above mentioned Harry Stiles who, we had reason to believe, was acquainted with them. As said Harry is employed at the college I do not think he would have given their names had the question been asked

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