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Bu R. F and A Lands
Office Asst Supt Fredrick & Clark Counties
9" Dist State of Virginia
Winchester Va March 31" 1867

Brvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Com'r State of Va

I have the honor to report the affairs of the Bureau in this Sub-Dist of Fredrick & Clark Counties 9th Dist State of Va for the Month of March 1866, in very fair Condition, much better than a Month a go, the Cause is owing to the Military Bill now in force. The Freedmen are treated much better since its passage and they, the Whites, are much more inclined to enter into Contracts with the Freedmen for labor, and the Freedmen are able to secure better bargains than formerly. 

The Freedmen as a class are behaveing themselves very well indeed and with a very few exceptions are industrious, and show a disposition to do all they can to aleviate their condition both personally and intellectually.

The question of receiving the testimony of Freedmen  is no longer agitated in the Courts of Justice in this Sub-