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Wise Farm PA Co. Va.
March 31st, 1867
Bvt Maj J.H. Remington
Supt [?] and [?]
First Dist of Va
I have the honor to report the General Condition of Affairs for this Sub District as follows.
With the exception of some few cases of Small Pox there has been but little sickness reported to me. In my last report I mentioned I mentioned that the Small Pox was raging to some extent in a certain locality in this Co. but on close enquiring I found but few cases, and am informed by one of the leading physicians that it is on the decrease. No Deaths have been reported. Considering the bad weather for the last month, and the very poor shelter provided for the colored people, and in a good many cases there are very scant clothing. I think the sanitary condition of the Co is remarkably good. 
Quite a number of persons have applied for Rations. The list has been increased 164 Rations over that of last month, including 93 Rations to Employees