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Suffering in the County. I do not think there is an unemployed freedman or freedwoman in the Co. and hundreds could obtain grand Situations if they would come here and Settle. The farmers in this Section will not be able to cultivate one third of their land on account of the great Scarcity of labor. Several of the farmers who are anxious to hire freedmen have visited Richmond for that purpose. And although they offer large wages they cannot induce them to leave the City.

I am happy to inform you that the whites have such good feelings towards the freedmen and I think in this County that if the freedmen do their duty the whites will certainly do as well by theirs.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obd Servt
Frank A. Butts.
Asst Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
King Wm. Co. Va.