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Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Office of the Asst Sub Asst Comr
Counties of Culpeper & Rappahannock Va
Culpeper C.H. Va
April 30th 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr. State of Va
Richmond Va.

I have the honor in compliance with Circular No. 6. Hd Qrs Asst Comr Va. dated Richmond Va. January 29th 1866 to report the condition of Bureau affairs in my Dub dist for the month of April 1867-

The feeling existing between whites & cold is very favorable to the interests & welfare of all classes. All are very busy at this time putting in their crops No applications have been recd from any source for subsistance during the month. The freedmen are doing very well & but few complaints have been made by the whites against them for anything- & no complaints worthy of note by the blacks against the whites- Schools progressing finely in various parts of my district & no interruptions whatever to the same- No cases of crime- but very little sickness have occured among the Freedpeople during the month. But little difficulty is now experienced by the Bureau in