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There are a larger number of Freedmen working on small tracts of land for themselves, this year, than at any time since they were Emancipated, Some of them will succeed I have reason to believe but I regret to state that the majority of them cannot in my opinion make and secure a crop as they have not the necessary tools for farming, and I know that one half of them have not sufficient food to last them six months, I have issued such hoes, spades and seed as have been sent to me, and I am confident they have been considerable help to some of the Freedmen.

There is still some prejudice existing against the Freedmen, among the ignorant and poorer classes of the Citizens, but not so much among the intelligent or wealthy classes, Though the Military Bill has, and is now, doing more to do away with such prejudices, than a change in public sentiment would or could have done in five years, In this respect the Military Bill has had an excellent effect,

There is but one Freedmen's School in operation in this District. It has an attendance of Sixty, I am now building another School at [[Mc?]]. There is not so much prejudice existing against Schools as formly,