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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Asst Sub Asst Comr Halifax Co
Halifax CH April 30th 1867.
Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Comr State of VA
in Compliance with Circular No "6" Hd Qurs Asst Comr State of VA. I have the honor to submit the following report on the condition of Bureau affairs in this county.
Every thing connected with the Freedmen is moving on smoothly, there are but few idlers at the time, and complaints of any nature are rare, and there is evidently a disposition on the part of the whites to do what is right toward the Freedmen.
As far as I can learn from personal observation, and enquiring of reliable persons, there has as yet been no political organizations among the Freedmen and I know of no delegates being sent from among them to any of the meetings called for that purpose. they all seem desirous of earning all they can preference to wasting their time and means in political affairs. Yet they display a laudable desire to exercise the newly acquired privilege when the time arrives for them so to do
I can report no change in the matter of schools