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L. B. "A" 45
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. L
Office Asst. Sub Asst Comr Norfolk Co Va
Norfolk Va April 30 1867

Bvt Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commr B. R. F. and A. L

In compliance with Circular No 6 Series 1866. I have the honor to submit the following Report; A great deal of destitution at present exists among the Colored people of this County, but especially amongst the Colored residents of this City. In different parts of the City they are huddled together in old houses, in unhealthy lanes and allys and in places where all kinds of sickness and Disease exist.They are adverse to leaving the City and going into the Country where they could find healthier Homes.

The large number of Aged and decrepid people living in the Cities of Norfolk & Portsmouth and on the Taylor and Wise Farms

Transcription Notes:
Taylor Farm and Wise Farm are mentioned all over these documents.