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L.B. "A" 46

rendered it necessary that Rations and Clothing should be issued during the past month. Frequently applications have been made to the civil authorities to take charge of destitute colored persons. They all profess their willingness to do so but state that they are utterly unable to provide for either white or colored destitutes.The financial condition of this City is represented as being in an almost Bankrupt condition, and the city Alms-House is filled with Paupers of both colors. The finances of Portsmouth are represented as being in as bad condition as those of Norfolk. During the War a great number of Freed people from other Counties and States came to this City and vicinity. The authorities decline to assist the destitutes of this Class, for the reason that they were not permanent Residents. Rations have been issued to 26 persons and clothing to 83 persons outside of the Hospitals. The Freedmans Hospital in this City contained on 1st inst. 30 Patients of these 11 men discharged during the month and 8 men received.