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regret to find myself without food or clothing to relieve the many deserving applicants, especially of those living in Staunton. Mr Burch, overseer of the POW has inadequate means at his command it is true but he lacks any sympathy whatever, and I have been compelled rather sharply to insist upon relief for old and sick colored women. 

Referring to my predecessor's Report under date April 1st 1867 I would most respectfully call your attention to the need for providing some Medical attendance for the very poor in this place. At Staunton is the focus for seven (7) important Turnpike road, hence there is always a floating population who have here neither home or friend, and if sickness overtake them are helpless.

Dr S.C. Harris of the town has to my knowledge since my arrival here, and as I learn previously, not only given his professional services, but medicine without pay. His own circumstances are very straitened and though he freely donates the past he cannot go farther unassisted- I therefore on behalf of many sufferers, some sick of Typhoid fever, ask an appropriation of Twenty five ($25) per month for Dr S.C. Harris if he will continue to prescribe and furnish medicine for destitute colored persons at Staunton. If a small amount of Food can be issued it will alleviate much distress
Respectfully submitted
Yr. obt. sevt.
Tho J Jackson