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Bureau of R. F and A.L.
Pittsylvania, Co. Division
Danville Va
May 1st 1867

Capt. R.S. Lacey
Agent Bureau
of R F and A.L.

I have the honor to forward the following report for the Month ending April 30th 1867.

During the past Month, I have called the attention of the Magistrates to thirty five cases of unpaid Freedmen in this District so far as heard from these cases have here tried and I believe fairly settled

I have investigated a large number of claims myself and made out the accts for the freedmen who have presented them in person and collected the amts due them - a thing they could not have done previous to the passage of the "Military Bill"

I think the people are begining to learn that "it is hard to kick against the pricks"

The freedmen are generally all at work where kindly and Justly treated   I hear no complaint whatever