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Bureau R F and AL.
Office Asst Sub-Asst Comr. York Co. Va.
Yorktown. Va May 1st 1867.

Pursuant to Cir No 6. dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr. State of Virginia January 29th 1866. I have the honor to report that there has been no material change in the condition of "Bureau" affairs in this county since last report.

Removal of Freedmen to other counties is now complete and the present tenantry of the several farms are now settled for the entire year. Many more however could be spared without injury to the best interests of the Freedmen or the community. Those who remain are
industriously employed with fair prospects of a good crop.
I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'd't Sv't
F.S. Massey
Bvt. Capt. and ASAC. York Co. Va.

Gen O Brown
Asst Com'r
Richmond Va.
Thru Gen'l S.C. Armstrong
5th Dist. Va.