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Bureau Refugees Freedman and AL
Office Asst Sub Asst Comr Halifax Co
Halifax C H May 31st 1867.

Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Comr State of Va

In compliance with Circular. No "6"  Hd Qrs Asst Comr State of Virginia. I have the honor to Submit the following report on the Condition of Bureau affairs in their County.

Everything Connected with the Freedmen is moving on quietly and generally Satisfactorily,  They are working diligently and very few idlers are to be seen but few cases of injustice toward them on the part of the whites are being reported and those are slight and are Satisfactorily settled by the Magistrates when brought before them

There has as yet been but one public assemblage of the people of this County to discuss the questions of the day, and to instruct the Freedman in their newly acquired, rights and that one was a failure from the fact that oweing to a heavy rain Storm and the bad Condition of the roads, Rev John T Clark and other gentlemen who were to speak on that occasion were absent. There is a meeting called at Blackwalnut for the 8th Proximo when Several Gentlemen have promised to be present and address

Transcription Notes:
the dashes in the transcription are words that have yet to be transcribed