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The Freedmen are very quiet and orderly and as a general thing all employed, there is a scarcity of labor in this section of the Co, and quite a number of laborers could find employment here at a reasonable compensation.

The crops are looking very well through out the Co considering the backward season, the principal crop being corn and oats.

At present there are no schools for freedmen in this Division, but an effort is being made to establish two, one at the farm of M. J Tiffany, the other in the neighborhood of the Court House,
There is no disposition on the part of the whites to encourage or assist the Freedmen in establishing schools, but on the contrary every obstacle thrown in their way to prevent them.

Very little is said or done by either class in relation to the Military Bill. The whites are waiting very patiently to see who are disfranchised.

All of which I have the honor to submit

Morton Havens  Lt and
Asst Sub Asst Commissioner 
Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
2nd Div 1st Sub Dist
State of Va