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greatest danger by reason of the fact, that being in daily and almost constant communication with the coloured people, the whites have abundant opportunity to influence them, quietly but effectiely.

The question then comes up as to how these people can be rendered capable of acting intelligently, in the matter of protecting their true political and other interests,- I believe the answer to this proposition, is found in the fact, that this end can be accomplished, by developing the educational interests of these people. They must through local educational influences, become informed as to their duties to the country, and their relations to each other.

In this connection, I would respectfully urge upon the proper authorities prompt action, in the matter of developing the educational interests of these people. By reason of their limited resources they cannot contribute to the support of the Schools, the material aid required - without which the services of competent Teachers in each county, of this Division, whose services could be secured at reasonable rates, but those who are most anxious to educate themselvves and children,