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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Off. A.A.A.G. 1" Div. 4" S. Dist. V'a
Gordonsville May 31" 1867


I have the honor to report in compliance with Cir. No. 6. H'd. Qrs. A. Com. V'a Jany. 29" 1866 that the condition of freedmen's affairs in this Division during to month of May has been generally favorable. No more than the ordinary difficulties to be looked for in communities have occurred and they have been disposed of either by myself or by the civil authorities under my eye according to law and justice. Only one atrocious case has occurred (to which I refered in my last report) that of the cutting of a freeman by a drunken white man at Orange C.H. named Dade. He has been bound over for trial at the next term of court.

Very Respectfully
Your ob't. Servant
M.S. Hopkins
B't. Maj. &c

Gen. O. Brown
A. Com. V'a

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-13 15:22:43