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LB"H" 83

Bureau R F and A L
Office Asst Sub Asst Com 1st-Dis 1st Sub Dist
Norfolk Va May 31st 1867

Bv' Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Com State of Va:

In compliance with Circular No 6 Series 1866 from H'd Qrs Asst Com State of Virginia. I have the honor to submit the following Report, A great deal of destitution still prevails among the Freedpeople of this Division of the 1st Sub District. Although I confine the issue of Nations to those totally unable to provide for themselves, my [[issues?]] are increasing in spite of my Efforts to diminish them. Many Complain that a scarcity of Work compels them to seek assistance. but so far I have issues no Rations to persons able to labor, A stagnation prevails at present in all kinds of