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of the County to intimidate the freedmen and prevent them from voting or taking any part in the comming elections  Some men I am informed say they will dicharged any of there employees who may go to hear any political speech &c &c
I will give this matter my attention as soon as posible - I intend to visit the various magisterial districts and there make known the wishes and mentions of the Gov'mt in reference to the protection of all men of whatever race or color who may attempt to exercise the privilege of free men  

The School at this place I am informed is to be closed and the teachers sent home  it seems Mr Dixon and wife cannot find any ladies with whom they can live in peace and harmony - the lady teachers desire to continue the school untill the expiration of the time for which they were employed viz June 30th 1867 - I trust they will be allowed to do so - as I think it would be wrong to close the School at this season of the year - the ladies ask permission from the Gov'mt to go on and teach as they have been doing untill the end of the present month - there can be no improprity in their doing so and I hope permission will be granted -

I am Capt
Your Obdt Servant
G B Carse
Bt. Col. U.S. V.R.C

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