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Bur. R.F.+A.L Office Asst. Coms.
Counties of Northld (Northumberland) + Lancaster Va
Heathsville June 25th 1867

Bat Brig Genl O.Brown
Asst Comr. Bur. R.F.+A.L.
Richmond Va

In compliance with instructions contained in Cir No "6," dated Hd Qrs Asst. Comr. Bur R.F.+A.L. Richmond, Va January 29th 1867, I have the honor to report, that the State of feeling existing between the Whites + Blacks in this Division, has undergone no material change during the month of June.  No assaults or outrages of any kind upon the Freedmen have been reported to me during the month.
No suffering from scarcity of food exists among Whites or Blacks.

Very respectfully
Your off servt.
E.W. Busby
Lt + a.s.a Comr. 2nd Dis 6 sub dist