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BR.F. & A Lands
Office 1st Div 7th Sub Dist
Lynchberg June 29 1867

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O Brown
Asst. Comm. State of Va.

In accordance with the requirements of Circular No 6. C.S dated Hd. Qurs Asst. Commr. State Va Jany 29th 1867 - I have the honor to report;- that Bureau affairs are in a favorable condition.

There has been about the usual amount of complaint in regard to nonpayment of wages, but all things considered there is little of that.

The weather has been favorable to the growth of the Crops, & there is a good prospect of a fair yield of all the cereals. I mention this because many of the freedmen are farming on their own account.

The schools have closed for the summer. I find necessary to issue only now & then a few rations; the last requisition, will last the summer months, as now required to be issued.

The freedmen in my Division are thoroughly informed in regard to Registration.  In Appomattox & Amherst as well as the City of Lynchberg, they out number the whites; In Campbell & Nelson as far 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-14 23:39:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-15 11:14:19 missing words were "now & then"