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Bureau of R. F. and A. Lands
Office of Asst Sub Asst Comr
Leesburg Va June 29th 1867.

Capt. Garrick Mallory
A.A.A. Genl
Richmond Va

In compliance with Cir. No. 6. Series 1866, Head Qrs Asst Commr State of Va. I have the honor to report that, all matters appertaining to this Bureau during the present month have been and still are, in a prospering condition.

The Freedmen appear to be industrious and pursuing their business in the even  tenor of their way, in a manner highly commendible to themselves, It requires no very close observation for one to readily see that, they are gradually gaining ground in the eyes of their former masters, and, in fact all white citizens, by their acknowledging to them in various ways, that they - the Negroes - are fully their equals before the law, and have inherent rights which they, the whites, are bound to respect.

I am, Sir, Very Respectfully &c
Sidney B. Smith
Bvt Capt & A Sub Comr.