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Bureau R.F. & A.L. 
Office A.S.A. Comr. Fairfax Co.
Falls Church, June 30th 1867,

Capt. S. P. Lee
Sub. Asst. Comr.
10th District, Virginia. 

I have the honor to submit the following report of freedman's affairs in this county during the month of June 1867.
The condition of the freedman here is generally prosperous and improving from day to day. 

Being now harvest time, labor is in great demand, and high wages freely offered. 

Now that freedmen are negotiating and will accordingly be entitled to vote, they seem to have risen suddenly to a much higher standard of civilization in the estimation of the native whites, and are treated with much more consideration and respect then they formerly were. 

As a general thing, I think the white people of the better class are disposed now to improve the condition of the freedmen in every possible way. 

No applications for food have been made to me by freedmen during the past month.