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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen of Abd Lands
Off. A.S.A Comm 1st. Div 6th Sub Dist Va
Fredericksburg Va June 30, 1867.

Brevt Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Comm State of Va
Richmond Va


In compliance with Circular No 6. Head Quarters Asst Comr State of Va Richmond Va dated January 29. 1866. I have the honor to report that the feeling existing between the whites and blacks is very good except perhaps in regard to the registration of voters, the registration notices have in many cases been torn down.

The Freedmen in my Div are well informed in regard to the necessity of Registering and thus far turn out in large numbers, some however are very dull of comprehension, and it is very difficult to make them understand when and where they are to register.

The whites as a general thing regard the coming election as a contest between the races. consequently they will register almost to a man

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