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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Asst. Sub Asst Comr
Halifax C.H. Halifax Co June 30th 1867

Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Comr State of Virginia

In Compliance with Circular No 6 Hd Qrs. Asst Comr State of Virginia I have the honor, to submit the following report on the condition of Bureau affairs in this County.
Every thing is moving on quietly and prosperously, the Freedmen are all busily at work and very orderly and well behaved. There have been two public meetings held here during the past week one on Monday last (Court Day) which was addressed by Mr Lewis Scott (Colored) of Danville which was listened to with great interest by both white and Colored and general satisfaction was expressed with his remarks by both classes. The other was held yesterday and although notice of the meeting was only received here on Thursday still there was an assemblage of from one thousand to fifteen hundred, Geo Tucker Esqr of Alexandria addressed the meeting in a speech of two hours and a half, during which time his Audience, consisting principally of Colored persons, was the most quiet and orderly I was witnessed, during the day not a single case of Intoxication was to be seen in the village. I requested the dealers in intoxicating Liquors to dispose of No Liquors on that day either by gift or sale, and am happy to say my request which was cheerfully and implicitly complied with in every instance

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