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on hand 82 large Dresses, 133 Small Dresses, 47 Sacks, 25 Chemises, 44 Shirts, 60 pr Pants, and 52 pr. Drawers.

There have been no cases of injustice to freedmen by the civil authorities during the month of June 1867 to my knowledge. The freedmen can all get employment, if they desire to; There is but little destitution and that only in some few cases of large families and sickness; There have been twelve cases of complaint by freedmen against whites during the month, three of which have been amicably adjusted, and the others are pending, but will soon be settled; There was one murder by freedmen in Fairfax Co. during the month, attention called to report of Lieut. Sheilds on the case; There was some trouble at a colored ball near Fort Whipple June 29th 1867, when one colored man was killed and one wounded, I have forwarded statements of the colored men, also copy of inquisition and verdict of the coroner's jury.

The Board of Registration for Alexandria Co. Va. has been in session almost daily since June 17th 1867, and the freedmen in the districts traversed thus far are registered generally in full, they seem to thoroughly appreciate the situation and desire to secure the benefits of the registration, there have been registered thus far in the 3rd District 391, in the 4th District 449, in the 1st District 356. their numbers running generally about on an average with the white population; the effect gained is that they are treated with more respect by the whites and it cannot be long with the ballot in their hands before they can secure their rights for themselves.

I am, Captain,
Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't.
s.P Lee
Capt. and Sub. Asst. Com'r.
10th Sub. Dist. Virginia.

P.S. I enclose complete lists of the registration for Alexandria city  the county will be completed next week