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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands
Office Asst Sub Asst Comr 5th Div 6th Sub Dist
Heathsville July 26th 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst. Comr. State of Va

In compliance with instructions contained in Cir No. "6" dated Hd Qrs. Asst Comr Bur R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va Jany 29th 1866. I have the honor to report as follows. The state of feeling existing between the Whites and Blacks has undergone a considerable improvement during the last month. The orderly and quiet behavior of the Freedmen during the meetings for Registration, and at the various meetings for political purposes held under the auspices of the Union League of Northumberland County have extorted praises from those who would have been glad to have had a protest for charging them with disorder & disobedience. Very few complaints have been made, of

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-16 16:36:02 -It is: Bureau "Refugees" Freedmen and Abandoned Lands (not "Releases") -eliminated words "I have" prior to Northumberland County -It is "extorted" not "reported" praises. Author probably meant to write "exhorted"